Solar panels

Roof with solar panels

We design your solar panels system and tailor-made payment plan

In order to install a photovoltaic system that will guarantee maximum savings and the fastest possible payback, it is important to study every detail and understand the needs of each home.

For this reason, at Sunhero, we design a unique and personalised project for each of our clients. Our team of solar experts takes care of the entire process, from the initial design stage, to the installation and processing of permits and system documentation. 

The quality of our customer service is a key point to offer all the guarantees and respect the commitment to our clients. We have an after-sales team dedicated to providing unlimited support throughout the life of the system, so that you don’t have to worry about anything. 

In addition, we adapt to every situation and offer flexible payment methods, with the possibility of financing for up to 12 years, so that you can take the step to solar energy without any initial investment.

Advantages of buying and installing solar panels on your roof

Photovoltaic energy is becoming a real alternative to large electricity suppliers. In Spain, more and more families are opting to install photovoltaic panels at home due to the numerous advantages offered by this system. These are some of its benefits:

Savings on your electricity bill

Savings on your electricity bill

Once the photovoltaic system is installed in your home, it will be generating energy free of charge and you will be able to consume it at zero cost. Furthermore, you will no longer depend exclusively on the electricity grid and fluctuating prices, which will significantly reduce your bill.

On the other hand, the surplus produced by your photovoltaic system can be compensated through the supplier, generating additional income and discounts.

Energy independence

Energy independence

By installing solar panels at home, you will be generating your own electricity and, therefore, you will have greater autonomy and reduce your dependence on conventional energy suppliers. Stop worrying about changes in the price of electricity and switch to self-consumption!

Green and renewable energy

Green and renewable energy

Solar energy is an unlimited, clean and renewable source of energy. Solar panels harness the sun’s energy to convert it into electricity, thus avoiding the emission of greenhouse gases and pollutants, helping to reduce the carbon footprint and contributing to the fight against climate change.

Spain is one of the countries in Europe with the most hours of sunshine per year and we must make the most of it.

Increases the value of the house

Increases the value of the house

A home with a photovoltaic installation is more valuable than those with conventional electrical installations. The electrical autonomy and energy savings provided by energy panels is an important advantage for new homeowners, who will be able to enjoy these benefits without any initial investment.

Solar Panels Installation

Energy panels: installation of a photovoltaic system

If you are planning to install solar panels at home, it is important that the installation is carried out by a team of certified professionals. The correct installation of the system is crucial for its performance and durability over the years. 

At Sunhero, we have expert installers all over the country to guarantee the highest quality and speed in our photovoltaic installations.

How does the solar panels installation work?

The first step in an installation is to place the structures that will support the solar panels. The structure used will depend on the type of installation. For example, if the installation is on a flat roof, the structure should provide inclination to the modules to maximise their efficiency.

Once the structure is in place and able to support the weight of the system, the solar panels will be anchored to it. Depending on the type of roof and its slope, the anchoring of the support structure used will be different.

When the panels are already anchored to the supports, they need to be connected to each other and then connected to the inverter and the electrical power. Once connected, the photovoltaic system will be producing energy that you will be able to consume in your home free of charge.

photovoltaic system installation.

Access to grants and subsidies for solar panels

There are currently different types of subsidies available for photovoltaic installations. At Sunhero, we help you with the procedures for all of them so that you don’t have to worry about anything. 

Next Generation

Next Generation” European subsidies:

On the one hand, we have the subsidies included in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed with Next Generation European funds. These programmes aim to boost the economy and promote the energy transition. For residential photovoltaic installations, 600 euros of aid is offered per kWp installed in the system. This amount can cover almost 50% of the total system price.

These European subsidies are managed independently by each autonomous community.

IBI rebate

IBI discount:

Most of the Spanish municipalities are offering a discount on the Property Tax (IBI) for homeowners who have installed photovoltaic systems.

The percentage of the discount and its duration depends on the particular locality. Some of them offer discounts up to 50% on the IBI quota for several years.

IRPF deduction

IRPF deduction:

The Tax Agency published in October 2021, a mandatory discount on the Personal Income Tax for energy improvement works in residential buildings, including the installation of solar panels.

The IRPF deduction can range between 20% and 60%, depending on the energy improvement obtained in the house with the installation of energy panels. In order to evaluate the degree of improvement, an energy certificate is required before and after the installation.

ICIO rebate

ICIO discount:

The Spanish municipalities have a discount on the ICIO (Tax on Constructions, Installations and Works) for the installation of photovoltaic systems. The percentage of the ICIO deduction may vary from municipality to municipality. Some localities offer partial or total rebates on the ICIO fee for residential PV systems.

Power your house

Power your house

Generate your own energy with solar PV and become independent from traditional utility providers
Save up to 70%

Get your bill to €0

Reduce your monthly bill payments and protect your family from rising electricity prices
Take care of the Planet

Take care of the Planet

Bring down your CO2 emissions and help build a better future for the planet and the people

Learn more about solar panels

Solar panels or photovoltaic modules are devices that convert solar energy into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. They are composed of individual solar cells made of semiconductor material. These cells absorb sunlight and transform it into direct electrical current, which is then collected through cables connected to the cells and directed towards an inverter, which converts it into alternating current, the current we use in our homes. Solar panels are usually installed on the roofs of houses or in open areas to receive maximum sun exposure. The more sunlight the panels receive, the more electricity they generate. For this reason, the orientation of the panels is a key factor in ensuring maximum efficiency.

In recent years, the composition of photovoltaic solar panels has evolved in the search for greater efficiency and performance. At present, we can differentiate between three types of solar panels, mainly according to their characteristics. Monocrystalline solar panels This type of solar panel is made up of a multitude of photovoltaic cells, manufactured with a single silicon crystal. In this sense, this type of photovoltaic solar panels show a high efficiency due to the purity of its composition. For this reason, they produce a higher amount of electricity and it maintains its high performance even in geographical areas where the climate is colder and shadier, with a tendency to fog or rain. It also requires less long-term maintenance than a polycrystalline panel. Polycrystalline solar panels What differentiates polycrystalline panels from monocrystalline panels is that these types of solar panels are composed of several materials other than silicon. This lack of purity means that their performance and quality is lower than monocrystalline panels and they are also a cheaper option. Thin film solar panels Thin-film solar panels use a very thin layer of semiconductor material, making them a very flexible panel, which can be installed and adapted to various surfaces. They are usually more affordable but also offer lower energy efficiency

Photovoltaic solar panels convert sunlight into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. How is the photovoltaic effect produced? Solar panels are composed of solar cells made of semiconductor material, such as silicon. When sunlight strikes the panel, photons of light are absorbed by the cells. The energy of the photons releases electrons in the semiconductor material and creates an electrical potential difference between the different layers of the panel. This effect causes the electrons to move and generates a continuous electric current, which flows in a constant direction. The inverter is responsible for transforming the direct current into alternating current, which is the form of electricity we use at home, in our devices and appliances. The electricity generated by the solar panels can be used directly, stored in batteries for later use or sent back to the grid.

The average saving on your electricity bill with a photovoltaic installation at home is usually around 70% This depends on two main factors. On the one hand, the percentage of self-consumption, that is, the percentage of energy you consume directly from your panels at zero cost. And on the other hand, the price at which you are compensated for the surplus from your system. Even so, there are other variables that influence savings, such as for example: Energy consumption: The higher the consumption in your home, the greater the potential savings with solar panels. It is important to know how many kWh per year we consume in order to install a photovoltaic system that covers the energy needs of the house. Orientation and tilt: The orientation and inclination of the panels have a direct influence on savings. A good orientation towards the south, with optimal exposure to the sun and without shadows, will generate more energy and therefore more savings. Consumption habits: Solar panels produce energy with solar radiation. Therefore, it is important to adapt your consumption during the day, when the photovoltaic panels are generating energy at zero cost. Programming the appliances that consume the most energy will help you to reduce your bill even further. System efficiency: The technology we use in our photovoltaic installation directly influences the efficiency of the system. More efficient solar panels can produce more energy with the same amount of solar radiation and therefore generate more savings. Electricity rates: The price of electricity also plays an important role in savings. The higher the price per kWh you pay to the electricity company, the more you will save with a PV system at home. The best way to calculate the savings with a photovoltaic installation is to design a system according to your needs, assessing the possibilities of your roof, the best orientation and your annual consumption. In this way, you can guarantee maximum profitability and savings on your electricity bill.