Solar panels for companies

Industrial solar installation

Photovoltaic self-consumption is gaining more and more prominence among companies, both industrial and commercial, thanks to the many advantages it offers.

In addition to generating significant savings in electricity costs, the ability to produce the energy necessary for business operations internally leads to significant energy independence from large electricity companies. This translates into greater predictability and control over energy costs.

Investment in solar energy is an exceptional opportunity that companies are increasingly taking advantage of, as it allows them to exercise direct control over one of the fundamental pillars of production: energy costs.

The transition to photovoltaic self-consumption represents a strategic decision that not only strengthens the energy resilience of companies, but also supports their sustainability and economic efficiency goals.

What is an industrial photovoltaic installation?

An industrial photovoltaic installation is a solar power generation system specifically designed to meet the energy needs of industrial facilities by using photovoltaic solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity. The main components of an industrial photovoltaic installation are:

Solar Panels: They capture solar energy and convert it into electricity. They can be of different types, such as monocrystalline, polycrystalline or thin-film panels. .

Inverter: It converts the direct current (DC) generated by the solar panels into alternating current (AC), which is the form of electricity used in most devices and in the power grid.

Batteries: They store the energy generated during the day for use at times when there is no sunlight. Not all industrial solar installations necessarily include batteries, as some do not require storage.

Digital Meter:It records the amount of electricity generated by the system and the amount of electricity fed into the grid. This component is essential for monitoring and billing.

Instalación fotovoltaica industrial

What are the advantages of industrial photovoltaic systems?

Industrial companies have a number of key benefits that make photovoltaics a particularly profitable investment, both economically and environmentally. Here are some of them:

Daytime working hours:

The synchronisation of working hours with peak solar production hours is one of the reasons why PV systems are particularly interesting for industrial companies.

Large available areas:

Such systems are often installed over large areas, which makes it possible to adjust the size of the PV system to the company’s requirements.

Long-term cost stability:

Since solar energy is not subject to fluctuations in fossil fuel prices, users of PV systems can enjoy greater long-term cost stability.

Renewable and sustainable energy:

The main advantage is that solar energy is a renewable and sustainable energy source. Generating electricity from sunlight reduces dependence on fossil fuels and contributes to climate change mitigation.

Corporate image and social responsibility:

Adopting solar energy can improve a company’s image by demonstrating a commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

Incentives and subsidies:

Many governments offer incentives and subsidies to encourage the adoption of solar energy. These government programmes are designed to make the transition to renewable energy sources, such as solar, more accessible and attractive to consumers.

Steps to installing solar panels at your business

Solar Panels for Companies

If you are considering taking a step into the future of renewables and installing a photovoltaic system on your business, here are the main steps you need to take:

1. Initial assessment: Before installing solar panels, it is important to analyse the company’s energy consumption history and collect data on the conditions of the surface to be installed, such as possible shading and solar orientation. This assessment will provide the basis for designing a solar system that meets the company’s specific needs.

2. Customised PV system study: Working with specialised engineers is essential at this stage. The system design must be customised, taking into account the layout of the space and the generation capacity required to maximise the efficiency of the industrial PV installation.

3. Technical visit to check the feasibility of the project: Before proceeding with the installation of the PV system, a technical visit is necessary to ensure the feasibility of the project. With this visit, the aim is to ensure the success of the project and the maximum performance of the installation.

4. Installation of the system: This is the process of physically installing the PV system. This involves placing the mounting structures according to the previous design and fixing the panels in place. Once the installation is complete, the PV system will be up and running and generating its own energy.

5. Documentation and legalisation of the system: The legalisation of the system is an essential phase in all photovoltaic projects. This process involves submitting technical documentation and obtaining the necessary permits to ensure an efficient connection to the grid.

6.Maintenance: Regular maintenance is essential for optimal system performance. This includes regular inspections, cleaning of panels and correction of any problems detected.

Request a quote to install solar panels in your company

The use of photovoltaic systems for self-consumption is growing in the business sector due to the great advantages they offer. If you are planning to take advantage of the benefits of solar energy for your company, we can help you. 

To install a photovoltaic system that guarantees maximum savings and profitability, it is essential to carry out a personalised study beforehand to understand the needs of your company.

Sunhero’s team of expert engineers carry out a detailed study that takes into account key factors such as geographical location, the orientation and inclination of the surface to be installed and all the data relating to consumption, whether it be the company’s annual consumption or the most common consumption patterns.

Power your house

Power your house

Generate your own energy with solar PV and become independent from traditional utility providers
Save up to 70%

Get your bill to €0

Reduce your monthly bill payments and protect your family from rising electricity prices
Take care of the Planet

Take care of the Planet

Bring down your CO2 emissions and help build a better future for the planet and the people

Learn more about solar panels for companies

Calculating the cost of a photovoltaic installation requires a customised study that considers several factors. These include the geographic location, the amount of solar radiation available, the orientation and tilt of the system, the efficiency of the solar panels selected, and the energy storage capacity if batteries are chosen. In addition, it is essential to assess the company’s energy consumption patterns as well as local electricity tariffs. This data allows the system to be properly sized to meet the energy demand, thus maximising savings over time. The selection of quality components and consideration of possible shading that may affect performance are also crucial aspects in the design of an efficient and cost-effective PV installation. In summary, an accurate costing of a PV installation involves a detailed analysis of all these elements, ensuring that the system is optimal for the specific conditions and energy needs of the site.

Yes, installing solar panels in Spain is profitable. The sun is an inexhaustible and free source of energy and Spain is one of the countries in Europe with the most hours of sunshine per year. In addition, industrial companies have a strategic advantage that boosts the profitability of investing in photovoltaic energy: the synchronisation of their working day with the hours of sunshine and the availability of extensive surfaces. However, the profitability of a photovoltaic system depends on several factors such as consumption habits, the contracted tariff and the number of panels. For this reason, it is important to have a customised design that is adapted to the needs of each household.