About us

We power people’s homes with solar.
And that’s what powers us!

Our story

Solar promise is unlimited, clean, affordable. To ensure that our children inherit a healthy and beautiful planet, we create technology and infrastructure to accelerate global transition to green energy. Our mission is simple and bold: to make solar the smartest choice for people's homes.

We challenge beliefs that hold people aback: solar PV is too complex and too expensive. For that, we start with reimagining the value chain stack. Firmware. Marketing. Planning. Selling. Building. And then we innovate, design, create a complete new way for bringing sun to people’s homes.

Our journey started in Spain. But we are out to make a real difference. Especially, in places where the sun shines bright, but not every home is lit. It is no small task. But neither is reversing climate change. We are in this to do our part.

Meet our founders

Christopher Cederskog portrait
Christopher CederskogCo-Founder & CEO
Christopher Cederskog portrait
Stefan BraunCo-Founder & COO

Want to join? We're hiring

We’re always looking for talented and driven people who want to make the world a better place! If you are interested in becoming part of our growing team at Sunhero, check out our Careers page.

Sunhero newsroom

Want to know more about Sunhero? Here we share our latest company news, press features and media appearances.

Our founding principles

Focus on what matters
Electricity bulb
Grow when others shine
Challenge to learn
Join hands team
Care for our customers & planet
keep rowing
Keep on rowing
Talking is silver, listening is gold