The installation of the app is quite straightforward and is done via the app stores on mobile devices. Follow these steps:
Open the Google Play Store on your Android device.
Search for “FusionSolar Huawei” in the search bar or on Huawei AppGallery.
When the app appears in the results, click on “Install“.
Wait for the installation to complete, then open the app from your home screen.
iOS (iPhone o iPad):
Open the App Store on your iOS device.
Search for “FusionSolar” in the search bar.
When you find the app, click on “Get“.
Wait for the download and installation to finish, then open the app.
User Registration on Huawei FusionSolar
Once you have installed the app, you will need to register in order to start using it. Here are the steps:
Step 1: Create an account
Open the app on your mobile device.
On the initial screen, select “Sign Up” if you don’t have an account yet.
Enter your email address, create a secure password, and provide any other required details such as your name and country.
Accept Huawei’s terms and conditions, then click “Register” or “Create Account”.
Step 2: System Setup
After registering your account, you will need to link your photovoltaic system to the app. This is done by connecting the Huawei inverter to the system using the serial number or QR code provided by the manufacturer.
Select the type of device (e.g. Huawei inverters) and follow the instructions to enter your installation details.
The app will synchronize the data from your installation and display performance metrics.
Step 3: Login and Access Information
If you already have an account, simply enter your username (email) and password to log in.
Once logged in, you can start visualizing the data from your system, such as energy production, inverter efficiency, and other key parameters.
How to use & what each thing means
Home Screen
When accessing the application, a general graphic is presented that represents the photovoltaic system of your home with all the devices that are part of it. It includes the solar panels, the inverter and, if available, other elements such as the battery or electric vehicle charger. This overview allows you to quickly assess the performance of your system and detect any anomalies. On this initial screen, you can observe:
Current energy production: The main number displayed on the screen, inside a circle, indicates the current PV production of your PV system in kW. It is important to note that there may be a time lag of a few minutes between what is indicated in the app and the actual production at that moment.
The app also offers the option to activate the “Live Data” functionality so that the data is updated every 5 seconds, giving a more accurate view of the production at that very moment. However, for most cases, it is not necessary to use that.
Clicking on that main marker will take you to our production detail, which we will explain later in this article.
Energy flow: Using arrows and lights, the direction in which the energy is moving between the panels, the inverter, the battery and the grid is indicated. This allows us to have a view of where the energy produced by our panels is flowing and to know if we are consuming it, if it is being returned to the grid or if it is charging the battery or our electric vehicle.
Battery status: If a battery is available, an indicator shows how much energy is flowing to the battery from the plates, or vice versa, from the battery to the household consumption. You can also see its charge percentage, such as 87%.
By clicking on this battery box, you can access the battery detail, which shows the amount of energy charged and discharged, the remaining capacity, power and operating mode.
Grid and consumption: The other two indicators below the system diagram indicate how much kW is being used for our household consumption, and how much kW is being fed into the grid to be compensated as surplus.
It is important to know that the sum of all the indicators (Battery, Grid, Consumption, etc) should equal the total energy produced at that moment (indicated in the upper middle sphere). This is because these indicators simply show how the generated energy is being distributed.
Statistics: In this small box below the general summary of the status of our system, we access the summary of two important daily statistics, which tell us the daily performance of our system at the moment. It includes:
Yield today: Displays a summary of the total energy produced today in kWh.
Revenue today: This indicates a rough estimate of the total profit obtained today from your photovoltaic system, and is made up of the sum of the income from the compensation received for the surpluses fed into the grid, and the reduced cost of the commercial electricity that you have stopped consuming. In order to be able to see this data, it is necessary to correctly configure the prices paid for the energy consumed and those received for the discharge of surpluses according to our contract.
To configure the electricity price, you must access the main statistics screen by clicking either on the main current production indicator or by clicking on the statistics box. Once you have accessed the statistics detail screen, at the bottom of the screen you will see a button “Configure electricity price”. By clicking there, you will be able to configure both the energy tariff exported to the grid and the energy purchase price. If you don’t know these, you should be able to find them on your last electricity bill.
It is essential to configure these data in order to receive a correct report of the economic benefit obtained from your PV system.
Environmental benefits: In this final box on the home screen, we can see three pieces of information about the environmental benefits we have generated in the environment since we installed our PV system:
Standard coal saved: Indicates the number of tonnes of carbon we have saved through the green energy we have produced and consumed.
CO2 reduced: This indicates how many tonnes of CO2 we have avoided emitting thanks to our photovoltaic system.
Equivalent trees planted: Indicates the number of trees planted that would be equivalent to the impact we have had with our system.
Statistics Screen
On this screen you can view the performance statistics of the system in the greatest detail. To access it, click on the main PV production indicator at the top centre of the home screen, or in the “Statistics” box, also on the home screen.
Once inside, you will find a first summary showing the total energy produced in the current month and year in kWh, as well as the total energy produced over the lifetime of the system since it was installed. This number can be in kWh or in MWh, depending on how long your system has been active.
Next, we will come to the main statistics section, where you will be able to observe the performance of your system over different time periods of your choice.
First, you must choose whether you want to view performance by Day, Month, Year or over the Total life of the system since it was installed.
Once you have chosen the time format, below you will be able to choose, within the type of time format you have selected, which period you want to view (which day, which month or which year you want to view).
Once you have defined the period for which you want to view the performance data, we then move on to how to interpret the data displayed.
First we will find a section showing the energy yield in that period. Basically, this section indicates what has happened to the energy we have produced. The main number in the middle will be the total amount of energy we have produced in the selected period. On the left side we will see the amount of kWh we have self-consumed and what % that represents of the total energy produced, and on the right side we will see the amount of kWh we have generated but NOT consumed, and therefore exported to the grid as self-consumption surplus, as well as the % that represents of the total production. To maximise the economic performance of a photovoltaic system, the objective should be to maximise the % of self-consumption as far as possible.
Then the next section talks about consumption, and it will show us where the energy we have consumed has come from, either from our PV system or from the conventional electricity grid. In the centre we will see the total energy we have consumed in the selected period, on the left we will see the amount of energy we have consumed from our PV system, and what percentage that is of our total consumption, and on the right we will see the amount of energy we have consumed from the grid, and what percentage that is of our total consumption in the selected period. Again, logically the objective to maximise the profitability of our PV system and to minimise our energy expenditure should be to have the maximum % of energy consumed from our PV system.
Below we will find a graph that will show:
When we look at the daily statistics, we will see a graph showing the evolution during the day of photovoltaic production, consumption, and the behaviour of our battery (charging or discharging).
When we have selected monthly, annual or total statistics, we will see a graph comparing energy production and consumption within each of those time units. For example, if we select a specific month, we will be able to see the detail of all the days of that month. If we select a year, we can see all the months of that year, and if we select the total, we can see the detail of all the years in which the system has been active.
You can customise what data is shown in the graph by clicking on the different metrics shown below the graph.
Finally, on this screen, we can see the report of the total revenue obtained thanks to the photovoltaic system in the selected period of time, as well as a graph showing the evolution. As we have already mentioned, the income shows the sum of the compensation received for exporting the self-consumption surpluses, and the reduced cost thanks to the energy that we have self-consumed, and which we have therefore stopped consuming from the grid. In order to see accurate data in this section, it is essential to correctly configure the electricity prices by clicking on the corresponding button to configure them from this same section.
Device Screen
We can access the devices screen from the selection menu at the bottom of the screen by clicking on “Device”. In this screen, we can see the details of each of the devices associated with our PV system, such as inverters, dongles, etc.
From this screen we will be able to see the serial number of the device, its status, warranty expiration date, and other relevant data.
Clicking on the devices will take you to the device details. These are technical data mainly relevant for installers, not so much for the end user, so we will not go into detail to explain them in this article.
Services Screen
To access the services screen, select “Services” from the selection menu at the bottom of the phone.
In this screen, we can access support tools for system commissioning and WLAN configuration.
It is also the screen from which you can access relevant resources such as the application’s User Guide, the FAQ section or contact methods for customer service. We have also attached links to all relevant support resources for the Huawei Fusion Solar application in this section of the article.
Profile Screen
Finally, we can access our application profile from the “Me” menu in the bottom menu. On this screen we can access all the messages previously exchanged with customer service, as well as the application settings and the plant management screen, if we have several different photovoltaic systems controlled from the same application.
Common Error Messages and How to solve them
One of the main reasons why it’s so important to monitor regularly your Huawei Fusion Solar App is to be able to detect as soon as possible any error that might be limiting the solar output of your PV system.
Here you will find a list of some of the most common error messages that you might encounter, with their cause and solution:
Abnormal communication between management system and equipment
This error message indicates that there’s a communication issue between your solar inverter and the Huawei FusionSolar management system. It typically occurs when the inverter loses its Wi-Fi connection to your home network.
To solve this issue, follow these steps:
Check that the PV protection breaker is not off. If it is, turn it on.
Make sure your house Wifi is working correctly. If the Wifi is off, turn it on. The inverter should reconnect automatically. It may take some time, up to 3 minutes. If it does not work, keep following the next steps.
Check that the two lights on the left side of the inverter are green and stable.
If they are, it means the inverter is working and the problem is its connection to the house internet. Please reconnect using the following manual.
If the app is showing an error while introducing the password, please follow the instructions in this video to reestablish the password.
If the plant is still offline, follow the same instructions as when the lights are off.
If the lights are off, blinking or going on/off, please restart the inverter with the following steps:
Turn off the PV AC breaker.
Restart the inverter. Move the selector on the bottom left side to the off position, wait 15 seconds and turn it on. You can see the selector at number 14 in the following image:
Turn back on the PV AC breaker.
⚠️ WARNING: This procedure should NOT be used frequently. Switching the inverter on/off on a daily basis may lead to losing the warranty from Huawei.
Grid loss
Usually, this alarm appears when the breaker switches off. The installation disconnects from the grid and shows Alarm: Grid loss. Please follow these steps:
Make sure your power breaker is ON.
Wait until the lights on your inverter are green and stable.
If the power breaker is on, but the plant did not reconnect after >10 minutes, please reset the inverter following this guide.
If the problem persists, schedule a visit with a technician.
Faulty Power Collector
Normally this alarm follows the “Grid loss” alarm, it means that the inverter disconnected due to the grid loss and normally the AC breaker switched off. Please lift the switch breaker into the ON position and wait until the two lights on the left of the inverter are green and stable. If after 10 minutes the lights are not green and stable, reset the inverter following the steps in the “Grid loss” section above.
If the lights are not green and stable after 10 minutes, please schedule a visit with a technician.
Otros errores comunes
For other common errors like “Grid Overvoltage”, “Optimizer fault”, “Abnormal output voltage”, “Grid Overvoltage” or “Abnormal PV module configuration”, among others, we recommend you schedule a visit with a technician that can help you solve the issue.
App Functionality Issues and How to solve them
Reset password
When the user has an associated and verified email address, and is unable to log in correctly to the App because he/she does not remember his/her password or for any other reason, he/she can reset it by following one of the steps below:
To reset a password using the associated e-mail address:
Click “Forgot your password?” on the App login screen.
Enter the email address associated with the account and click “Next”.
Click “Send code”, enter the verification code received and click “Next”.
Enter the new password and click “Confirm”.
If you are unable to reset the password independently using “Forgot your password?”, or if the system displays a message that the contact information is not verified, you can authorize the installer to reset the password:
Log in as the installer and select “Me” from the bottom menu of the home screen.
Click “Manage users”.
Select the user by clicking on the top right icon and select “Reset password”.
Set the new password on the corresponding screen.
No Data Fault
If the application does not display data after logging in and linking the system previously, it may be because the App has an older version and needs to be upgraded. There are two methods to follow:
Method 1: Go to your mobile device app store, search for the FusionSolar App, and update the App if offered, or re-download and re-install it.
Method 2: Scan the QR code to re-download and install the latest version of the application.
Why can’t I access my account after registering?
Ensure you are using the latest version of the FusionSolar app. If the issue persists, check your internet connection and login credentials. If you’ve forgotten your password, use the recovery option available in the app.
How do I update the app to the latest version?
For Huawei devices, search for “FusionSolar” in the AppGallery. For iPhone, check the App Store. For other Android devices, you can download it from Huawei’s official website or scan the QR code provided on the support page.
Can I use the app without an internet connection?
The FusionSolar app requires an internet connection to access real-time data and updates. Some features may be limited without connectivity.
What does it mean if energy production fluctuates during the day?
Fluctuations in production may be due to changes in sunlight intensity, intermittent shading, or variable weather conditions. It is normal to observe variations throughout the day.
How can I check if my solar system is operating optimally?
Regularly monitor performance through the FusionSolar app. Comparing current production with initial estimates can help evaluate efficiency. If you notice significant discrepancies, consider contacting a professional for a detailed evaluation.
What should I do if the app shows incorrect consumption or production data?
First, ensure the app is updated. If the issue persists, restart your device and verify that all system components are correctly connected. If data remains inaccurate, contact technical support for further assistance.
What steps should I take if the battery doesn’t charge?
Check for alerts or error messages in the FusionSolar app. Ensure connections between solar panels, the inverter, and the battery are secure and undamaged. If everything appears in order and the issue persists, consult a specialized technician for a thorough inspection.
What precautions should I take during thunderstorms?
During thunderstorms, it is advisable to disconnect the system to protect it from potential surges. Additionally, ensure the system has properly installed surge protection devices.
How can I tell if my battery or inverter needs maintenance?
Periodic system inspections are recommended. If you notice decreased performance, error messages in the FusionSolar app, or unusual behavior, it may indicate maintenance is needed.
How long does a battery typically last before needing replacement?
Lithium batteries usually last between 5 and 10 years, depending on usage and operating conditions. Following the manufacturer’s recommendations can help maximize their lifespan.
Other useful related resources
Here are the official links for all the related resources to the Huawei FusionSolar App: