EV Chargers – Electric Vehicle Chargers

Available with your solar installation

Electric car charging system

Electric car sales are on the rise. More and more families are opting to move away from vehicles that rely exclusively on fossil fuels and to make the energy transition to more sustainable energy sources by purchasing an electric or plug-in hybrid car.

During this transition, it is very common for a number of questions to arise about the method of charging batteries or the installation of electric chargers in the home. On this page, we will address some of the most popular questions.

What is an electric car charger?

Electric car chargers are devices designed to supply electricity to an electric vehicle or plug-in hybrid. They are essential components for recharging the vehicle’s battery, allowing it to run on electric power instead of relying solely on fossil fuels. 

In other words, the electric charger is the energy supply point for the vehicle, which would be like a petrol station for internal combustion vehicles. Unlike a petrol tank, the electric vehicle stores energy in a battery. 

This is because the electric vehicle’s propulsion, instead of relying on petrol to power the engine, relies on electricity, which is a major paradigm shift towards more sustainable mobility. 

Components of an electric car charger installation

The installation of a Wallbox electric car charger, which is the one we use at Sunhero, is relatively simple and consists of only 3 components:

– Electric charger: The charger is fixed to the wall and comes equipped with a charging “hose” that connects to the electric vehicle. In addition, they usually have some kind of connectivity (WIFI/Bluetooth) to check the data through an App.

– Smart Meter: This is a smart meter that allows the electric charger to calculate the consumption of the home in real time in order to moderate the charging power and not exceed the maximum power allowed in the home and even to be able to programme the charging of the vehicle only when the photovoltaic system injects surpluses.

– Protections: As with all electrical installations, it is necessary to use protections to ensure the safety and proper functioning of the system.

EV charger installation

Advantages of installing an electric charger at home 

Having a smart charging point for an electric car in your home offers a number of important benefits not only in terms of convenience, but also economic and environmental advantages. Here are some of them:

Economic savings

Economic savings:

Economically speaking, installing an electric car charger at home allows us to take advantage of lower electricity rates during specific periods, providing a lower cost per charge than public charging stations.



Having an electric car charger at home offers great convenience, as it is available at any time of the day and avoids having to travel to public charging stations and the cost involved.


Sustainable solution:

Installing an electric charger at home contributes directly to the transition to a more sustainable energy model, as electric vehicles have a lower environmental impact than internal combustion vehicles.

On the other hand, one of the most popular solutions for electric vehicle owners is to install solar panels at home. In this way, they can generate the electricity they need to charge the electric car themselves.



Having an electric charger at home gives you more control over charging. In addition, you can adjust the speed and schedule your chosen charging times according to your needs and without having to rely on external charging stations.

Increase the value of your property

Increase the value of your property:

Having an electric car charger can increase the value of your home. In a world evolving towards electrification, having this integration at home can be a plus and an attractive advantage for future buyers committed to sustainability.

Battery maintenance

Take care of the battery:

To maximise the life of an electric car battery, the best practice is to opt for slow charging. In this respect, having an electric car charger at home becomes indispensable. Fast charging at public charging stations should be occasional and should only be done when we are out and about.

Family charging their electric car at home

Are there tax incentives for the installation of electric car chargers?

If you are thinking of installing an electric charger in your home, you should know that you can currently benefit from the MOVES III Plan, which represents the third instalment of the Spanish Government’s incentive programme.

It is an initiative that aims to promote the purchase of electric vehicles and facilitate the installation of charging points. This programme offers subsidies of up to 80% of the total cost of the electric charger or wallbox. In addition, it has a budget of 400 million euros, which can be doubled to 800 million euros depending on demand. 

For the installation of charging points, the % of aid depends on the type of beneficiary and the number of inhabitants of the town or city where it is installed. A % of the total investment of the installation of the recharging point is subsidised.

Self-employed, individuals, communities of owners and public administrations
Municipalities with more than 5,000 inhabitants: subsidy of 70% of the total budget including VAT. Municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants: subsidy of 80% of the total budget including VAT.

Businesses, public access charging points and P ≥50kW (fast charging installation)
Municipalities with more than 5,000 inhabitants: 35% large companies, 45% medium-sized companies, 55% small companies. Municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants: 40% large companies, 50% medium-sized companies and 60% small companies.

Businesses, public access charging points and P <50kW
Municipalities with more than 5,000 inhabitants: 30% subsidy with respect to the total. Municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants: subsidy of 40% of the total.

This government initiative not only seeks to encourage the purchase of electric vehicles, but also to promote sustainable mobility and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Save time and money when charging your vehicle thanks to Sunhero

One of the best options in the field of sustainability is the combination of solar panels and an electric car charger. It is a synergy that promotes a sustainable and efficient lifestyle. 

By having solar power at home and integrating an electric charging system, the benefits of both technologies can be maximised. You can reduce operating costs, become energy self-sufficient, reduce your carbon footprint and enjoy flexibility in energy storage and use. 

At Sunhero, we study the solution that best suits your needs and offer you the possibility of combining electric chargers and solar panels so that you can make the most of the solar energy you generate in your home to further reduce your bill. 

In addition, our team of experts will design a specific study for you and will inform you about all the subsidies available, so that you can take advantage of the benefits offered by existing government and local programmes.

Power your house

Power your house

Generate your own energy with solar PV and become independent from traditional utility providers
Save up to 70%

Get your bill to €0

Reduce your monthly bill payments and protect your family from rising electricity prices
Take care of the Planet

Take care of the Planet

Bring down your CO2 emissions and help build a better future for the planet and the people